Mare Magic
An herbal supplement that helps your mare be more comfortable during her cycle. This all natural product works best on moody, cranky, uncomfortable horses that may have hard uncomfortable cycles. Also works on geldings. Will not test positive. Horses love the taste and it works great when fed year around.
Raspberry is an herb widely known for its benefits to mares because it is believed to temper the effects of hormonal fluctuations. The active ingredients in Raspberry are thought to help regulate smooth muschle tone in both of the reproductive and gastrointestional tracts, relaxing muscle that is in spasm and strengthening muscle that is weak. Mare Magc's dried leaf formula smells wonderful and horses find it very palable.
Benefits of Mare Magic
- Helps horses focus and stay on task
- Cost effective
- Heat cycles will contune throughout the year
- Natural profuct color / texture may vary
- Start your mares and geldings on Mare Magic today "you will see the difference"